From 25 to 27 May 2012, the Forever Green Resort (in Phu Tuc commune, Chau Thanh district, Ben Tre province) under Aloe Trading Company in cooperation with the Charitable Optometrists Group of Singaporean, IPA in Ben Tre province, Department of Health, General Hospital Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Chau Thanh district Hospital, Ham Long Hospital, Cu Lao Minh Hospital held the eye examination and free eyeglasses provision for the local residents, teachers, and students at communes such as Phu Tuc, Phu Duc, An Khanh, Quoi Thanh, Thanh Trieu, Tuong Da, Tan Phu, Tien Thuy, Tan Thach (in Chau Thanh district).
Mr. ARION WONG reaching Forever Green Resort – Photo: PLHH.
Mr. Nguyen Truc Son – The Director of Ben Tre province IPA, Mr. Truong Quoc Phong – The Vice Chairman of Chau Thanh district People’s Committee and the Physicians & Doctors of Ophthalmology in Ben Tre province warmly welcomed the Singaporean Group at Hall of Forever Green Resort in the afternoon of 25 May 2012. There were over 1,000 people of two communes (Phu Tuc and Phu Duc) participating in the eye examination. Furthermore, we had a talk with Mr. Nguyen Quoc Binh who is 70 years old and currently living in Phu Duc commune, as well as with Mrs. Nguyen Thi Nam who is 87 years old and currently living in Phu Tuc commune.

Mr. Truong Quoc Phong (Left side), the Vice Chairman of Chau Thanh district People’s Committee friendly shook hand with the Singaporean Optometrist – Photo: PLHH.
- Would you please tell me your feeling as you come to Resort for your eye screening?
Mr. Nguyen Quoc Binh
First of all, we would like to express our respectfulness, and thanks the board of Directors of Aloe Trading Company (because this Resort is the Branch of this Company) for campaigning and “taking” the charitable foreign optometrist Group to come here to implement the eye screening and provide the local residents with eyeglasses. Not only on this time but since the operation of the Resort located right in Phu Tuc commune, Chau Thanh district till the current time, the Resort held the great number of charitable programs for the local residents here. I wish Mrs. Tam (Mrs. Truong Thi Nhi, the General Director of Aloe Trading Company – PV) a lot of health and longevity to be able to continue doing the charity activities for the lives.
For Mrs. Nguyen Thi Nam:
- She was 87 years old but still not afraid of far distance to be able to join the eye examination, what is your feeling about eye examination work of the Ophthalmology’s Doctors?
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Nam:
- Last year (2011), I had my right eye operated at the Chau Thanh district General Hospital, but I was not finally provided the eyeglass at all. But now, I would have an eye examination, and I would be provided the eyeglass; my eye has been still blurred, I do not know whether they are the foreigners or the local people – Mrs. Nam shows her hand towards the optometrists working their job over there – They are working very hard. One hour is only one hour. Sharp!

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Nam waiting for her turn of the eye examination – Photo: PLHH.
The Charitable Singapore Group consisted of 53 members, they are Mr. ARION WONG who is the Group’s leader, together with the optometrists, and the teachers, and the students at Singapore, all of them joined together to support the eye screening for the local residents. On 25 May 2012, Mr. ARION WONG and the optometrists had been present at Forever Green Resort at 11:30 AM. After ending the meeting with the press and completing the assignments, the optometrists received their rooms and hurriedly indulged the work of eye examination because the local residents were waiting for long hours right at area of organizing the events of Forever Green Resort…. Mr. Truong Quoc Phong – The Vice Chairman of Chau Thanh district People’s Committee stated that till the afternoon of 27 May 2012, the Optometrists Group had implemented the eye screening activity for over 3,000 people and provided the local residents with more than 2,000 eyeglasses at 9 mentioned-above communes. Also, this was a large-scale program ever held in the district.
The Singaporean students supporting the eye screening activity for the local residents – Photo: PLHH
The Singaporean students had lunch at Forever Green Resort – Photo: PLHH
Mr. ARION WONG on behalf of the Optometrists Group thanks the board of Directors of Company, all Staffs of ATC and Forever Green Resort in particular, as well as the local Authorities and the Physicians & Doctors in the Ophthalmology of Ben Tre province created the best conditions for the Group implementing the eye exammination during the days to take place activities at Chau Thanh district, Ben Tre province.
Journalist Phan Lu Hoang Ha
Source: Forever Green Reosrt